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Serhan Yilmaz

Dr. Serhan Yılmaz is a multifaceted professional with diverse roles and achievements. He currently serves as the Channel and Alliances Country Leader at Google. In addition to his corporate role, Dr. Yılmaz is also engaged in freelance education and storytelling, and he is recognized as a TEDx speaker​

Session on DevFest Istanbul

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The session abstract titled "The New Era: Generative AI" delves into the revolutionary phase of technology where generative artificial intelligence plays a pivotal role. This period is marked by AI's ability to autonomously generate new content, ideas, and solutions, demonstrating capabilities that parallel human creativity but at an immensely accelerated pace and breadth. The focus of the session will be on how generative AI reshapes various domains including art, literature, music, science, and technology, enabling the creation of lifelike images, cohesive and inventive texts, and groundbreaking problem-solving methodologies.

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