Software Development and Support @IDRSolutions

Xinyu Zhang

Xinyu is a dedicated member of the web development, support, and marketing team at IDRsolutions (which makes cool PDF software). She enjoys finding ways to simplify coding tasks using the right tools and is always eager to learn and improve. She looks forward to sharing her experiences and connecting with other developers at DevFest - and she loves cats! 如果你想练习Chinese,欢迎和我聊聊!

Xinyu Zhang


A Whistlestop Tour to Developing on the NetBeans IDE
40 Minutes
Software Engineering Talk

Did you know that…. the NetBeans IDE is the leading Open Source IDE (you can even compile, run and hack NetBeans inside NetBeans). It is a very powerful and easy to use multi-platform IDE for developing in multiple languages including Java, HTML5, and PHP.

It allows you to write, edit, debug and test your full stack applications. It integrates seamlessly with lots of other OS technologies including GIt and Maven. It can be extended with modules (and you can also write your own or even hack the IDE).

It is developed by a thriving community of Open Source developers under the Apache foundation who release 4 versions a year.

If you did, you are probably using it already, otherwise come along to our talk……